This is a group for people in their 20s & early 30s looking to bond with cool new
friends over quirky, fun activities. We're less about the happy hours and meeting
over drinks (though they're bound to happen informally) and more about the strange,
fun things you've always wanted to try doing (giant games of street tag, anyone?).
Activities can range from the casual (hikes, game nights, karaoke nights, etc.) to
the more offbeat (puzzle hunts, obstacle courses, murder mysteries, real life games,
etc.). If this sounds right up your alley, come join us for some random fun!
Upcoming Events
Sun March 20 4:00PM
Jigsaw Puzzle Extravaganza
Basically I got a lot of jigsaw puzzles on sale at Costco a long time ago. Because we're offbeat, we will form teams and each team will race to solve two puzzles with the pieces mixed together.

Sun March 20 8:30AM
SPECIAL: "Big Annual Wildflower" 6-mile docent-led hike (Morgan Hill)
Maintain social distance. Wear your mask. Carry hand sanitizer.
Sat March 19 8:00PM
Fri March 18 7:00PM
Offbeat Movie Night (12 Monkeys) + Potluck
Yet another time travel movie! Why are there 12 monkeys?? Come find out! Also, you get to see Brad Pitt and Bruce Willis being weird!
Sun March 13 3:00PM